
Intelliwings Blog

Asia China Japan Taiwan USA May 23, 2024 Taiwan Inaugurates Lai Ching-te as New President

| By Eliana Pisons | Amid increasing tension with China and impacting broader Asia-Pacific geopolitics, Lai Ching-te was inaugurated as Taiwan’s next President.

Asia Trade USA Vietnam May 21, 2024 Vietnam and US Build Bridges Through Trade Connections

| By Han Tran | US – Vietnam Trade ties have flourished since relations were normalized in 1995. The US is now Vietnam’s largest export market, helping to drive the Asian nation’s economic growth.

AI ChatGPT OpenAI Technology May 20, 2024 New OpenAI GPT-4o Model Brings Unprecedented Capabilities

| By Loc Le | OpenAI unveiled GPT-4o, its latest ChatGPT model, bringing significant speed enhancements and expanded text, audio, image, and video capabilities.

Africa EU Europe Immigration May 17, 2024 Europe’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum: A Milestone in Managing Irregular Arrivals

| By Josie Koehler | The EU concluded its migration and refugee policy reform on May 14th, signaling a significant shift towards a more cohesive and equitable approach to handling migration challenges.

AI Business Defense Innovation Technology May 15, 2024 Tech Visionaries Debate AI Potential (and Peril) at AI Expo in Washington DC

The AI Expo for National Competitiveness drew over 13,000 attendees to the Washington DC event as speakers debated AI’s impact across technology, business, public policy, and defense sectors.

Climate Change Environment Global Warming UAE May 9, 2024 Climate Resilience In Spotlight As Record Floods Strike UAE

| By Eliana Pisons | The UAE was hit with catastrophic flooding in April. The floods follow a global trend of extreme weather exacerbated by human-induced climate change.

AI Cybersecurity Technology May 6, 2024 Department of Homeland Security Launches AI Safety and Security Board

| By Loc Le | The US Department of Homeland Security launched the Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board to address the growing influence of AI on national security and public safety.

Information Japan Sustainability Tourism April 27, 2024 Tourism Boom in Japan: Balancing Prosperity with Preservation

| By Eliana Pisons | Japan’s tourism boom is bringing economic gains. But the record influx of foreign visitors is also creating cultural and community preservation challenges.

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency April 22, 2024 Cryptocurrency: Financial Future or Pyramid Scheme House of Cards?

| By Loc Le | The cryptocurrency market has experienced astounding growth, reaching a market cap of $1.32 trillion, but facing MLM, money laundering, bribery, tax evasion, and pyramid scheme allegations.

EU Policy Trade April 21, 2024 EU Summit 2024: Driving Competitiveness Amid Global Shifts

| By Josie Koehler | The EU Council met in Brussels to reaffirm its commitment to strengthening competitiveness amidst increasing economic pressures and a dynamic geopolitical environment.